In Dig'n Jahs People ~~ Written in Mexico (2002)

Photo Credit:Dreamstime 

earth spills through my fingers like past ages

sages medicine men prophets

before profit replaced the harvest

spoke to me of a time when we could hear

with faithful hearts and burning ears


so that even the sand whispered secrets

of a land before time


place replaced space


to run free

with outstretched arms

embracing all that is unseen

with a clear vision


when much could be heard

within the rhythmic spoken word of the brook

who then shed joyful tears

when remembering those who drew near

to listen



before her innocence was stolen

and before her tears were bottled up



we used to sit and sup


on bended knee

in gratitude to she

who offered herself completely

to quench our internal thirst

that we might see a reflection

of who and what we are


we could hear with faithful hearts and burning ears

even when the wind screamed

we heard chants

that seemed to calm our fears

when dark days appeared as if to say

remember whose breath from which this comes

remember whose breath from which this comes

reminding us that we are not alone



the sound was not muffled by

contagions obstructing the flight


could reach us

directing us

steering us

guiding us right

guiding us to what and who we are


we could hear with faith-filled hearts and burning ears

so that even the bellowing bush 

beckoned us for years

to dig deep and rise up

but one day we found its call

its brilliance

in an instance 

grew dim

hence it can hardly be heard or seen

welcoming us so freely into its fire

transforming us

renewing us

inviting us to live what and who we are

angels saints spirits of old 

all told the stories

 all sang the glories 

as we danced tribal dances

 with our hands in the air

Holding one in another

so tight we form a powerful force of 

love and light

until our mother, father, God, reality

sat amid the circle and said

open your hands and fill them with earth again

open your hands a fill them with earth again

and I watched as all of the tiny colorful gains of sand

slipped through my fingers

until only the dust lingered

and I could hear

show them who and what you are

show them who and what you are

we are earth

we are all that is seen and unseen

we are a free-flowing rhythmic brook

under God's care

we are new creation 

We are called to be as it was in the beginning

are now and ever shall be


one spirit, from one God, sharing the same breath, 

creating new stories, singing new glories 

of the giving and living of life everlasting

open your hands and fill them with earth again

open your hearts to a renewed spirit

open your minds to wonder

and hear, Mother, Father, God reality

listen for truth and hear

Mother, Father, God

listen for truth and hear

listen for truth




Jah's People. 

~ "In Dig'n Jahs Peeps" ~
Written in Mexico (2002)
Mission Trip w/ First Presbyterian Church Pasadena, CA

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